LMS Slim SnippetsSnippets for Lyrion Media Server (formerly Logitech Media Server) dev, provides both perl and html snippets to help with common slim dev tasks. InstallationType Installation link (if your are not seeing this from inside VSCode): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=codechimp.lmsslim-snippets SnippetsBelow is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The ⇥ means the Slim Perl
ModifyingIf you want to add/modify snippets you can find this extension in
Within the snippets folder modify the appropriate json file and reload VSCode to pick up the changes. If your change is useful to others then consider a pull request to get it added to this extension, you can find the source repository at https://github.com/codechimp-org/vscode-lmsslim-snippets Release Notes1.0.0Initial release |