Converts between px and rem units in VSCode, And support WXSS.
![Visual Studio Marketplace Downloads](https://img.shields.io/visual-studio-marketplace/d/cipchk.cssrem?logo=visualstudio)
- Support intellisense
px -> rem (Shortcut key: Alt + z )
rem -> px (Shortcut key: Alt + z )
px -> vw (Shortcut key: Alt + v, Alt + w )
vw -> px (Shortcut key: Alt + v, Alt + w )
px -> rpx (微信小程序, 快捷键:Alt + r )
rpx -> px (微信小程序, 快捷键:Alt + r )
- Support mouse hover to display the conversion process
- Support mark
- Support selected area
You can use VSCODE's Keyboard shortcuts to redefine the shortcut keys.
How To Use
- Auto snippet
- Move the cursor to
14px , press Alt + z to convert rem
- CLI: Press
F1 , enter cssrem
Ignoring code
You can ignore:
- Entire files by setting ignores in
.cssrem or .vscode/settings.json
- The next line by using
// cssrem-disable-next-line
// cssrem-disable-next-line
@media (min-width: 768px) {}
The above code will ignore processing of 768px
Support Language
html vue css less scss sass stylus tpl(php smarty3) tsx jsx
The .cssrem file in the root directory has the highest priority, and it's format is as follows:
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cipchk/vscode-cssrem/master/schema.json",
"rootFontSize": 18,
"fixedDigits": 3
Secondly, you can also configure the global. Open your user and workspace settings (File > Preferences > Settings ):
Name |
Description |
Default |
cssrem.rootFontSize |
Root font-size (Unit: px ) |
16 |
cssrem.fixedDigits |
Keeping decimal point maximum length |
4 |
cssrem.autoRemovePrefixZero |
Automatically remove prefix 0 |
true |
cssrem.ignoresViaCommand |
Ignores px to rem when trigger command (Unit: string[] ), can be set [ "1px", "0.5px" ] |
[] |
cssrem.addMark |
Whether to enabled mark |
false |
cssrem.hover |
Whether to enable display conversion data on hover, disabled : Disabled, always Anything, onlyMark : Only valid when cssrem.addMark is true |
onlyMark |
cssrem.currentLine |
Whether to display mark in after line, disabled : Disabled, show Show |
show |
cssrem.ignores |
Ignore file list, support glob, like this: [ 'demo.less', '**/*.styles' ] |
string[] |
cssrem.languages |
Support language list [ 'html', 'vue', 'css', 'postcss', 'less', 'scss', 'sass', 'stylus', 'tpl', 'wxss', 'twig', 'javascriptreact', 'typescriptreact', 'javascript', 'typescript' ] , By default all include |
string[] |
cssrem.remHover |
Whether to enable rem hover |
true |
cssrem.vw |
Whether to enable VW switch px support |
false |
cssrem.vwHover |
Whether to enable vw hover |
true |
cssrem.vwDesign |
Specifies the width of the design (equar to the browser viewport width) |
750 |
cssrem.wxss |
WXSS小程序样式 Whether to enable WXSS support |
false |
cssrem.wxssScreenWidth |
WXSS小程序样式 规定屏幕宽度,默认 750 ,尺寸单位 |
750 |
cssrem.wxssDeviceWidth |
WXSS小程序样式 设备分辨率宽度,官方推荐使用 iPhone6 作为视觉稿的标准 |
375 |
JSX not working?
By default, vscode won’t auto-complete strings in JSX. You can configure this in your project’s .vscode/settings.json :
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": true,
"comments": false,
"strings": true
| |