Boxel Tools VS Code ExtensionThis extension allows you to interact with Boxel workspaces from VS Code. Features
InstallationThe extension is available through the VS Code Marketplace. You can also build it locally. UsageOpen a new window and in the command palette select "Boxel Tools: Attach to Boxel Workspaces". You will be prompted for your username and password for production. If you want to use another environment, alter the Matrix Server in VS Code settings. The realm should then be viewable as a folder in your workspace. DevelopmentThis project uses Volta for toolchain management and pnpm for package management. Install dependencies with pnpm:
Build a dependent package, from
Build the extension, from
InstallationOpen VS Code and drag the created DebuggingWhen developing in VS Code you can hit F5 and the extension will be run in a VS Code dev environment, with debugging available. TroubleshootingIf you are seeing errors, a common one is a mistake with the username or password, and then hitting the tight rate limits on the Matrix server. |