Easytrieve Language Support ExtensionEasytrieve language support empowers developers with modern, shift-left capabilities that eliminate repetitive, manual tasks and fuel productivity. The modern day developer, relatively new to the mainframe can now work with mainframe applications with familiar, open-source tooling. The extension leverages the language server protocol to provide features such as autocomplete, syntax coloring, hover, Go to definition, as well as diagnostic features for Easytrieve code and its macros. The Easytrieve VS Code extension connects to the mainframe using the Zowe z/OSMF profile to perform a number of operations such as JCL submission, retrieving the macros used in an Easytrieve program and storing them locally on your PC. The extension also has the capability to generate JCLs to wrap around your Easytrieve program to execute on Mainframe. There are other VS Code extensions from Broadcom and the Open Mainframe project which complement and complete the Easytrieve extension. Broadcom extensions include Explorer for Endevor, Bridge for Git, and JCL Language Support. You can also leverage the Zowe Explorer extension available from the Open Mainframe Project. It may be necessary to install and configure one or more of these extensions depending on the other applications you are running and the setup. For example, to use Endevor as your source code management in sync with GitHub requires the Bridge for Git extension. To access code directly from Endevor requires Explorer for Endevor. For more information about other extensions that can be used with the Easytrieve Language Support Extension, see Broadcom Support. Easytrieve Language Support recognizes files with the extension For a high level overview of the Easytrieve Visual Studio Code Extension as well as instructional videos about how to use many functionalities of the extension, see Broadcom’s Educate YouTube channel. FeaturesThe following features are available through the Easytrieve Language Support Extension:
InstallingAfter installing the extension through the Visual Studio Code Marketplace, basic extension functionality is available. To activate the extension, open a file with the For full functionality, the installation and configuration of other tools or extensions may be required. Other tools which can work in combination with the extension include the following:
Note: Currently, the Easytrieve Language Support Extension is only available on Windows 10, and only supports ODBC and DB2 databases. The extended printer definition is not supported on the current version of the Easytrieve Language Support Extension. ConfiguringThe extension UI provides several fields in which you can specify your configuration settings. For more information about how to configure settings, see Visual Studio Code User and Workspace Settings. The following settings are available through the Easytrieve Language Support Extension: Language Server SettingsThe following Language Server Settings can be customized using the extension: Options TableSpecify where to store options as an input for the compiler. If the value is a relative path, this value is evaluated against the first root of the workspace. Update this field when other values other than default values are applied in the options table for validating and parsing the code by the extension. The default is empty. This results in a W703 warning (missing options table). In the Options Table field, enter the path to the file containing the options table definitions in text format. Use the Important: A Notes:
MacrosIn the Macros field, provide a list of directories (absolute path) or DSN with macros separated by semicolon. An absolute path is treated as a local directory. Other values other than absolute paths are treated as a dataset name. The default value is empty. Click refresh macros in the status bar to download macros from datasets. Alternatively, you can execute the following line in the command pallet:
For more information, see the Macro Search Directory Parameter in the Easytrieve documentation. eztsqlConfiguring Possible values for this field are the following databases:
The default database connection is ODBC. Notes:
Db Name OverrideODBC Datasource name or Database name for SSID PARM Override overrides the database name (e.g. SSID) specified in the source code. This override is useful when the local database used by the language server name differs from the one used on the target system (used during execution). The default of this setting is empty. Note: After changing this value, the language server requires a restart of VS Code. Zowe ProfileSpecifying this profile enables communication between VS Code and the mainframe. This profile is used for the following executions on the mainframe:
To use the default profile, leave this field empty. For more information, see Zowe Explorer Profiles. For more information on creating a z/OSMF profile, see Creating a zosmf profile. Jcl settingsThe Jcl generate functionality makes it possible to create JCLs required to execute the Easytrieve program on the mainframe. These JCLs are built using the JCL settings present in the Easytrieve Language Support Extension settings. The following options apply to the Jcl generate functionality. To generate a JCL for the Easytrieve code, specify the following:
Configuring Eastrieve Report Generator for Windows (Optional)To execute the Easytrieve code locally on Windows, see Install Easytrieve for Windows. Note: Configuring Easytrieve Report Generator for Windows is required for the local-build and run task. Execute your Easytrieve Program on the MainframeTo Execute the Easytrieve program on the mainframe, generate a JCL using the JCL generate feature. Supporting DD statements like Input Output (IO) files and JCL comments which are specified in JCL format can be added to the generated JCL in one of three ways:
Upload Easytrieve Programs to the MainframeAfter generating the JCL, if the To upload the Easytrieve program to the mainframe, select the contextual option Easytrieve Language Support - Upload EZT to mainframes. If a dataset name is specified in the Note: Ensure that Zowe profile is configured to upload EZT and the JCL to the mainframe. Options for Use with Easytrieve on Distributed PlatformsThe following options control the syntax check of SQL statements of the Easytrieve Report Generator application program. These options are used to set the level of the syntax check for Easytrieve programs. Note: These options are new compiler options for the Language Server and are currently only available in the extension.
Technical Assistance and Support for Easytrieve Language Support ExtensionThe Easytrieve extension is made available to customers on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the provided End-User License Agreement (EULA). If you are on active support for Easytrieve Report Generator, you get technical assistance and support in accordance with the terms, guidelines, details, and parameters that are located within the Broadcom Working with Support guide. This support generally includes:
Technical support cases must be submitted to Broadcom support in accordance with guidance provided in “Working with Support”. Note: To receive technical assistance and support, you must remain compliant with “Working with Support”, be current on all applicable licensing and maintenance requirements, and maintain an environment in which all computer hardware, operating systems, and third party software associated with the affected Broadcom software are on the releases and version levels from the manufacturer that Broadcom designates as compatible with the software. Changes you elect to make to your operating environment could detrimentally affect the performance of Broadcom software and Broadcom shall not be responsible for these effects or any resulting degradation in performance of the Broadcom software. Severity 1 cases must be opened via telephone and elevations of lower severity incidents to Severity 1 status must be requested via telephone. Tip: To post, vote, and comment on enhancement requests, visit Broadcom Ideas |