Bridge for Git ExplorerBridge for Git Explorer enables you to work with work-environment Git-Endevor mappings that are synchronized with Endevor using Endevor Bridge for Git. When you work with a work-environment mapping, you may need to add elements from up the Endevor map back to your mapping. Bridge for Git Explorer reads the information about the mapping that you cloned in your VS Code workspace and provides a list of elements from up the map for a specified Endevor inventory location. The extension enables developers working with Bridge for Git mappings to:
Table of Contents
PrerequisitesEnsure that you meet the following host-side and client-side software requirements before you use Bridge for Git Explorer: Host-side prerequisites:
Client-side prerequisites:
Getting StartedEnsure that you have a Git-Endevor mapping in your VS Code workspace to start working with the extension. Review the use cases to see how you can use the full potential of Bridge for Git Explorer. With the 0.5.0 release, Bridge for Git Explorer introduces the following features:
Create ProfilesIn order to start working with Bridge for Git Explorer, the following access information is required by the extension to work with your mapping:
This access information can be predefined in Zowe V1 profiles and Zowe V2 team configuration (team config) files. However, you do not need to have these types of profiles to work with the extension. If you do not have Zowe profiles or team config files, the extension prompts you to specify missing values. In this scenario, the specified values are stored until the end of the VS Code session only. Note: Credentials from existing Zowe profiles and team config files persist between Bridge for Git Explorer sessions. If you are considering using Zowe profiles, ensure that you create two types of profiles: an Endevor profile and an EBG profile. Note: Skip the following procedures if you already have the required profiles or you are not planning to use the profile configuration or Zowe at all.
You now can access your work-environment mapping in your workspace and start to use the extension. Work with ElementsExpand your Endevor inventory in the tree and proceed to work with the elements. Follow these steps:
Team Configuration FileBridge for Git Explorer supports reading a global team configuration (team config) file. Usually, a system administrator or team leader generates a team config file that contains information about the profiles you need to access certain services, such as Endevor and Bridge for Git. You can use global team configs with your team members to share information about your Endevor connections and Bridge for Git server. For more information about team config, see Using Team Profiles on Zowe Docs. As an application developer, you can obtain a shared global configuration file from your system administrator and use the file to access shared systems. As a system administrator, ensure that you install Zowe CLI on your workstation before you create a team configuration file. Use CasesReview the following use cases to familiarize yourself with the available features of the extension:
Configure the Pre-push HookBridge for Git mappings include a pre-push hook. The pre-push hook validates changes to elements in the repo against changesets in the git server and Endevor. The pre-push hook specifically looks at the fingerprints of the element, the type, the name, and the location in the folder structure. If your changes are out of date (fingerprint does not match) or any of the file or location conventions are not met, then the pre-push hook will prevent you from pushing to the git server. We recommend that you install the pre-push hook when you start working with a mapping. When you have a Bridge for Git mapping open in your workspace, Bridge for Git Explorer prompts you to install the pre-push hook. Ensure that you provide your git username or PAT, depending on your configuration of Bridge for Git. You can additionally uninstall the pre-push if needed through the command palette. For more information about how to set up pre-push hooks, see Set up Hooks. Add to MappingWhen you navigate the Endevor map and find the needed element, you can select and add the element to your synchronized mapping. Then you can download the element to your local branch by pulling the element from you remote repository.
Add to Mapping with DependenciesYou can select and add an element with associated files to your synchronized mapping. Note: An element can have only up to 50 dependencies. Right-click an element with dependencies you want to add and select Add to Mapping With Dependencies. As well as with the previous option, you can download an element to your cloned repository by pulling the element, using the in-built git VS Code Pull option or by issuing the For more information about work-environment Git-Endevor mappings, see Work with Git to Endevor Mappings.
Show HistoryReview the history of the elements from up the map in your mapping to identify changes and see the authors and dates of changes. The history of changes is displayed in the Element History section in the explorer tree.
Specify Processor Groups for ElementsSpecify a processor group for an element. You can specify a processor group for existing and newly created elements in your mapping.
Review Mapping ActivityThe extension enables you to review the Bridge for Git mapping activity that lists events and their respective actions for the currently opened mapping. The events include mapping initialization, refresh, generate, and deletion. For example, you can review whether a newly added element is already in your mapping so that you can pull the added element back to your local repository.
Usage Tips
TroubleshootingTo identify issues in Bridge for Git Explorer, view specific information related to an error message in the output stream of the extension. Follow these steps:
Technical Assistance and SupportThe Bridge for Git Explorer extension is made available to customers on the Visual Studio Code Marketplace in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the provided End-User License Agreement (EULA). If you are on active support for Endevor, you get technical assistance and support in accordance with the terms, guidelines, details, and parameters that are located within the Broadcom Working with Support guide. This support generally includes:
Technical support cases must be submitted to Broadcom in accordance with guidance provided in “Working with Support”. Note: To receive technical assistance and support, you must remain compliant with “Working with Support”, be current on all applicable licensing and maintenance requirements, and maintain an environment in which all computer hardware, operating systems, and third party software associated with the affected Broadcom software are on the releases and version levels from the manufacturer that Broadcom designates as compatible with the software. Changes you elect to make to your operating environment could detrimentally affect the performance of Broadcom software and Broadcom shall not be responsible for these effects or any resulting degradation in performance of the Broadcom software. Severity 1 cases must be opened via telephone and elevations of lower severity incidents to Severity 1 status must be requested via telephone. Copyright © 2025 Broadcom. The term "Broadcom" refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. |