Dashboard for VS CodeAdds the ability to create and organize projects into a dashboard for quick launching. Supports both local directories and Remote Development connections and I am pretty confident thusfar that it does not need to be installed on remote hosts to function.
Auto-ThemingThrough the power of the 460 some CSS variables Microsoft has set, Dashboard tries its best to look good regardless of the theme. Cannot promise it will nail it every time but it tries. Responsive SizingWith VS Code being Electron this uses standard web crap to be responsive. The column breaking can be customized in the settings. UsageAfter installing you should get an Icon in the top left which upon clicking will open the project dashboard. If the window opens without a workspace, it should open the dashboard automatically. You can add new projects directly to the dashboard, or you can create new folders to group the projects. Projects can be dragged and dropped between different folders and reordered. The colours and icons of the projects can be changed in their individual settings. Folders can also manage the colours of projects within to make them all match or look pretty.
Dashboard SettingsSyncing (or not if you prefer)All project settings are stored in your user config file. If you have enabled settings sync then your dashboard will automatically sync across all your installations logged in with the same account. If you do not want them to sync, open the VS Code settings, click the little gear next to the setting, and uncheck "Sync This Setting". Dev NotesAny time