End of Line Relative Line Numbers

Show Relative Line Numbers at the end of the line
Install from the Visual Code Code Marketplace
"relative-line-endings": {
// The color of the relative line numbers
"color": "#75715E88",
// Whether or not to hide the line number for the line that the cursor is on
"hide-active-line": false,
// Whether or not to hide the line number for empty lines
"hide-empty-lines": true,
// Whether or not to display the absolute or relative line number for the line that the cursor is on
"use-absolute-active-line": false,
// Used to specify the margin between the end of the line and the line number (interpreted as CSS margin)
"margin": "0 0 0 2em",
// Whether or not to add text before the line number (required for all 'prefix-*' settings to be active)
"use-prefix": false,
// The default text to add before the line number (will be used when 'prefix-*' settings are not set)
"prefix-default": "",
// The text to add before the line number, for lines above the cursor (overrides 'prefix-default')
"prefix-above": null,
// The text to add before the line number, for lines below the cursor (overrides 'prefix-default')
"prefix-below": null,
// The text to add before the line number, for the line of the cursor (overrides 'prefix-default')
"prefix-current": null,
// Whether or not to add text after the line number (required for all 'suffix-*' settings to be active)
"use-suffix": false,
// The default text to add after the line number (will be used when 'suffix-*' settings are not set)
"suffix-default": "",
// The text to add after the line number, for lines above the cursor (overrides 'suffix-default')
"suffix-above": null,
// The text to add after the line number, for lines below the cursor (overrides 'suffix-default')
"suffix-below": null,
// The text to add after the line number, for the line of the cursor (overrides 'suffix-default')
"suffix-current": null
Build Dependencies
npm install -g @vscode/vsce
npm install --save-dev @vscode/vsce
vsce package