benceszalaiii-toolkit READMEAn essential extension pack that can be helpful with most languages Extensions includedCodeSnapCodeSnap allows you to take a pretty screenshot of your code selection. Usage Press Alternative usage Right click selection then choose Github CopilotGithub Copilot is a code completion tool to help boost productivity. Note that this extension is paid. GitLensGitLens helps you visualize your git repo history and everything that has to do with git repositories. PeacockPeacock is an extension that helps you distinguish workspaces. You can give an accent to your open windows Usage Press The easiest way to set it up is to select TODO hightlightHightlights Better commentsImproves the visuals of comments Preview:
AnimationsImproves the behaviour of vscode. This extension depends on APC Customize UI++ change-caseAdds a command to quickly change single or multiple lines of variable names to different cases. Usage Press ThemesFor the themes, I personally use the ones listed below, but feel free to use your own preferred theme. Color theme: Tokyo CityThis theme combines City Lights and Tokyo themes. Icon pack: City Lights Icon Package |