Warning: this plugin is still very experimental and might crash. We are working on bugfixes and stability improvements
custom syntax for jbeam that ignores missing commas
Outline / Symbol provider: you can jump between parts and sections with the outline window
Custom Json / JBeam parsing that is very close to the actual used parer that provides more useful errors and warnings with ranges
Extensive hover information: the parsed object and a clickable breadcrumb
Documentation integration to lookup the value, key and path of the hovered item in the docs to provide useful information.
Currently looks for the breadcrumb: beams > optional, the key of the hovered item beams > id2 or the word itself FLT_MAX
3D Preview of the JBeam
Node multi selection
Beam multi selection
Mesh multi selection
Node translation gizmo support
Flexmesh translation / rotation support
Mirror planes and symmetry detection (with error support)
Ground smart helper
visualize current part or all parts
triangle visualization
Settings shortcut in the top right corner:
Extensive settings, live updating the 3D scene as well:
BeamNG Log file syntax highlighter and parser included
Known Issues
Mesh functions are a bit unstable still. Especially if you change tabs, etc while it loads the data.
JBeam beautifier: clean up the file, format everything nicely
autocomplete part names in PC files
make grid and ground plane being as big as the vehicle at least for big vehicles
mesh opacity user-setable
implementation of props
picking flexbodies in 3d space
working slot system: part chain loading support, part config (PC) loading
better support for sections: slidenodes, rails, triangles, wheels, refNodes, camera*, torsionbars
powertrain viz
trigger viz
variables debug UI
specific help for sections using proper error checking and links to documentation
Robustness and future-proofing: Add exception handling and error mitigation to the code so it will continue working in the future
zip mod loading?
convert all JS files to proper JS modules / remove hacks