native is the default board and examples/hello-world is the default build directory.
To change these properties:
open Settings (keyboard Ctrl+, or menu File->Preferences->Settings) and search RIOT-OS section
modify riot.board and riot.build_dir with your values.
set compiler value. The currently tested cross compilers are:
Press F1 or Ctrl+Shift+P and run the command RIOT init to create both the project configuration and the three tasks:
build: app_name
clean: app_name
flash: app_name
where app_name is the directory basename of riot.build_dir.
Select Tasks->Run Tasks to run the tasks.
NOTE: Starting with version 1.0.0 c_cpp_properties.json is NOT MORE automatically adjusted if you change riot.board or/and riot.build_dir:
You need to run RIOT init command.