Go to definition for source in $ref{("my_source")}. Takes you to my_source.sqlx or sources.js at the line where my_source is defined. There is also support for go to definiton
from a javascript variable/module from a .sqlx file to js block or .js file where the virable or module declaration exsists
Open vscode command pallet by pressing CTLR + SHIFT + p or CMD + SHIFT + p on mac and run one of the required commands
Dataform: Run current file
Dataform: Run current file with dependencies
Dataform: Run current file with dependents
Dataform: Run current tag
Dataform: Run current tag with dependencies
Dataform: Run current tag with dependents
Dataform: Format current file
Dataform: Run file(s) / tag(s) with options
Known Issues
[ ] Features such as go to definition / dependancy graph might not work with consistantly with ${ref("dataset", "table")} or when it is multiline or a different format works best with ${ref('table_name')} format
[ ] Handle case where user is not connected to internet or on vpn where network request for dry run cannot be made