⚡️ LWC CodeMate
Trigger |
Purpose |
roy.lwc → |
Unfold Standard LWC Controls (ie. Buttons, Card, Targets, DataTable, Map, Tab, Layout, Tree, etc.) |
roy.lwc.utl.slds → |
Unfold SLDS CSS Framework library. |
✔️ NOTE: 'roy.lwc.utl' Sub-Trigger fire for "slds" now.
⚡️ In JS
Trigger |
Purpose |
roy.lwc.import → |
Import ApexClass, Custom labels, Field, PageRef, Obj Schema, UiRecord, navigation, UserId, etc.). |
roy.lwc.wire → |
Unfold Apex @wire Service. |
roy.lwc.track → |
Unfold @track implementation code block. |
roy.lwc.api → |
Unfold @api implementation code block. |
roy.lwc.object → |
ObjectApi Declaration . |
roy.lwc.array → |
Unforld Array Methods. |
roy.lwc.export → |
Export Named Functions or Variables. |
roy.lwc.get → |
Unfold get Method. |
roy.lwc.set → |
Unfold set Method. |
roy.lwc.getter-setter → |
Unfold Getter-Setter Method. |
roy.lwc.app-event → |
Unfold pub - sub Communication SYNC Code Block Snippet. |
roy.lwc.toast → |
Unfold Basic Toast Message (ie. success , error , warning , info ). |
roy.lwc.hook → |
ALl Life Cycle Hooks are unfold. (i.e. constructor, connectedCallback, renderedCallback, errorCallback, etc.). |
roy.lwc.internalization → |
Do Format Data According to the User’s Localized Specification. |
roy.lwc.navigate → |
Unfold Navigate code block for ( Record Page, View Page, Object Page, Lightning Component, Web page, Home Page, Chatter). |
roy.lwc.recordid → |
Get record ID. |
roy.lwc.eslint → |
EsLint Disabling Rules with Inline Comments. |
roy.lwc.console → |
console.log() with Disable Feature (Eslist). |
roy.lwc.for → |
Unfold For Loop Syntax. |
roy.lwc.for-each → |
Unfold For-Each Loop Syntax. |
roy.lwc.uiApi → |
Sample Code Block Snippet for getRecord() and createRecord() . |
roy.lwc.import-lightning-message-service |
Import Lightning Message Service. Winter ’20 Updates. |
roy.lwc.import-sample-message-channel |
Import Lightning Sample Message Channel Scoped Module. Winter ’20 Updates. |
roy.lwc.lms.publish-message |
Publish Message Method in Lightning Message Service (LMS). Winter ’20 Updates. |
roy.lwc.lms.release-message-context |
Publish Message Method in Lightning Message Service (LMS). Winter ’20 Updates. |
roy.lwc.lms.subscribe-message |
Subscribe Message Method in Lightning Message Service (LMS). Winter ’20 Updates. |
roy.lwc.lms.un-subscribe-message |
UnSubscribe Message Method in Lightning Message Service (LMS). Winter ’20 Updates. |
roy.lwc.lms.handle-message |
sampleName() can call from subscribe() to Handle Message in Lightning Message Service (LMS). Winter ’20 Updates. |
⚡️ In XML
Trigger |
Purpose |
roy.lwc.targets |
Unfold <targets> attributes. |
roy.lwc.lms.pakage |
This is Used in Package.xml file for Lightning Message Service. Winter ’20 Updates. |
roy.lwc.lms.message-channel |
Messaging Service Sample channel implementation in Lightning Message Service (suffix.messageChannel-meta.xml). Winter ’20 Updates. |
✒️ Release Note
- 'LWC-CodeMate' Launch in this version with all basic code snippet that use in LWC development. The main aim is to help Coder with unfold code SYNTAX & snippet for
v1.0.1 ----- [ 29-10-2019 ]
- Lightning Message Service incorporated in
files as part of Winter' 20 Release. Details find in Cange Log.
v1.0.2 ----- [ 30-10-2019 ]
- Few Changes in README file.
v1.0.3 ----- [ 30-10-2019 ]
- Few Changes in README file.