![Node CI](https://github.com/andys8/vscode-jest-snippets/actions/workflows/test.yaml/badge.svg)
Jest snippets extension for Visual Studio Code.
Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The → means the TAB key.
Trigger |
Content |
desc→ |
describe |
desco→ |
describe.only |
descs→ |
describe.skip |
desce→ |
describe.each |
ae→ |
afterEach |
aa→ |
afterAll |
be→ |
beforeEach |
bea→ |
beforeEach(async ...) |
ba→ |
beforeAll |
baa→ |
beforeAll(async ...) |
Trigger |
Content |
it→ |
it |
ito→ |
it.only |
its→ |
it.skip |
itt→ |
it.todo |
ite→ |
it.each |
ita→ |
it(..., async ...) |
test→ |
test |
testo→ |
test.only |
tests→ |
test.skip |
testt→ |
test.todo |
teste→ |
test.each |
testet→ |
test.each (table) |
testa→ |
test(..., async ...) |
Trigger |
Content |
exp→ |
expect |
expr→ |
expect.resolves |
exprj→ |
expect.rejects |
expas→ |
expect.assertions(count) |
expha→ |
expect.hasAssertions() |
tb→ |
toBe |
tbct→ |
toBeCloseTo |
tbd→ |
toBeDefined |
tbf→ |
toBeFalsy |
tbgt→ |
toBeGreaterThan |
tbgte→ |
toBeGreaterThanOrEqual |
tbi→ |
toBeInstanceOf |
tblt→ |
toBeLessThan |
tblte→ |
toBeLessThanOrEqual |
tbn→ |
toBeNull |
tbt→ |
toBeTruthy |
tbu→ |
toBeUndefined |
tc→ |
toContain |
tce→ |
toContainEqual |
te→ |
toEqual |
tse→ |
toStrictEqual |
thbc→ |
toHaveBeenCalled |
thbct→ |
toHaveBeenCalledTimes |
thbcw→ |
toHaveBeenCalledWith |
thblcw→ |
toHaveBeenLastCalledWith |
thl→ |
toHaveLength |
thp→ |
toHaveProperty |
tm→ |
toMatch |
tmo→ |
toMatchObject |
tms→ |
toMatchSnapshot |
tmis→ |
toMatchInlineSnapshot |
tt→ |
toThrow |
tte→ |
toThrowError |
ttems→ |
toThrowErrorMatchingSnapshot |
ttemis→ |
toThrowErrorMatchingInlineSnapshot |
Trigger |
Content |
cut→ |
test a class under test |
jfn→ |
jest.fn |
The editor.snippetSuggestions setting in vscode settings.json will show snippets on top of the suggestion list.
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top"
| |