Auto Snippets
Insert text or run a command when a file of a particular type is created, or an empty file is opened. Insert template classes, #pragma once
statements or include guards, copyright comments, etc.
Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+P), then type in the following command:
ext install
Alternatively, install the extension directly from is marketplace page.
This extension is a clone of
in almost every way. The differences are:
- This extension loads in ~14ms, while gruntfuggly's takes ~140ms;
- This extension runs inserts all snippets matched by a file, not just the first one. This allows for complex chains of snippets.
is an array of objects, each describing what should be inserted and for which files. These objects are:
: A shell glob pattern that should match the file path, supporting *
, **
for nested directories, and {x,y}
for sets of possible values;
: A regex pattern that should match the file path;
: A VS Code languange id (such as typescript
) that the file should match;
: which snippet should be inserted;
: which VS Code commands should run.
Note: The commands are not executed synchronously. If no snippet is configured, the commands are still run.
"auto-snippets.snippets": [
{ "pattern": "**/ut-*.cpp", "snippet": "ut-template" },
{ "pattern": "**/*.h", "snippet": "header-template" },
{ "pattern": "**/*.cpp", "snippet": "body-template" },
{ "language": "javascript", "snippet": "template", "commands": ["editor.action.commentLine"] }
The patterns are matched in order of definition. All matched patterns will be run, not just the first one.
Auto Snippets takes snippets from your user snippets. You can add new snippets by visiting File > Preferences > Configure User Snippets. More information on VS Code snippets.
This extension borrows almost all of the code from Gruntfuggly's "Auto Snippet".
Icon made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY, and modified by the author.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. See the license file for more information.