(vscode Extension)
Run your own scripts with vsc-base (includes methods for vscode, fs.extra, ts).
See .vsc-script folder in source for examples.
Full documentation for vsc-base can be found on http://vsc-base.org
The extensions can be installed from vscode marketplace.
- Right a folder or file
- Click 'vsc Script'
- Select the script you want to run
Why vsc Script?
You could always just run js/ts runs in your system with nodejs,
but this extension gives you the context of vscode.
All script are run by clicking a file or folder and your script is given the uri that was clicked.
Common methods that make custom scripting easy can be found in the examples in .vsc-script folder in this source code.
Dev (Create vsc-script)
>> npm i -D vsc-base @types/vscode
>> yarn add -D vsc-base @types/vscode
A script file is written in typescript.
Ex: replace.vsc-script.ts
//documentation on http://vsc-base.org
//vcc-script-name: Example > Replace 'something'
import * as vsc from "vsc-base";
export async function run(path: string) {
let source = await vsc.getFileContent(path);
source = source.replace(/something/, "SomeTing");
await vsc.saveFileContent(path, source);
vsc.showMessage("File Updated.");
// happy hacking!
You can use these modules in your script: vsc-base, fs-extra, vscode and typescript:
// documentation on http://vsc-base.org
//vcc-script-name: Example > modules you can use
import * as vsc from "vsc-base";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import * as ts from "typescript";
import * as fs from "fs-extra";
export async function run(path: string) {}
You cannot use any other libs (modules)!
You can import other local ts files (They can't you any other modules either)
When this extension runs your scripts it actually doing it in its own context's which is the reason it only has these 4 libs.
The script must export one async function named 'run' that takes an Uri (vscode.Uri).
The uri is the path to the file/folder right-clicked in vscode when the user runs the script.
Script names and grouping
A script can be named by adding a comment in it with //vcc-script-name: {NAME}
// documentation on http://vsc-base.org
//vcc-script-name: My Script
import * as vsc from "vsc-base";
export async function run(path: string) {}
Script's can be grouped by adding '>' in the name
// documentation on http://vsc-base.org
//vcc-script-name: Components > Rename
import * as vsc from "vsc-base";
export async function run(path: string) {}
From version 0.6.0 (vsc-base 0.9.3) webview has been added:
The run method now as a second argument with 'context'
See Webview-with-vsc-base for more examples.
//vsc-script-name: WebView Test > Search files in project
import * as vsc from "vsc-base";
import * as vscode from "vscode";
export async function run(path: string, context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
const { onCommand, sendSetHTML: set, dispose } = vsc.startWebview(context, {
title: "Search",
body: `
<button onClick="sendCommand('show','1')">Show '1'</button>
<button onClick="sendCommand('end')">END</button><br/>
Search: <input type='text' id='s' onkeyup="sendCommand('search',this.value)" >
<div id='info'>info</div>
await onCommand(async (command, value, resolve) => {
switch (message) {
case "show":
case "end":
case "search":
const files = await vsc.findFilePaths(value);
set("#info", files.length);
vsc.showMessage("Script Done!");
onSave script's (Preview)
vsc-script also accepts name.vsc-script-onsave.ts files.
They wil be executed on save (in alphabetical order).
Dont have to many (They will slow down vscode save)
// documentation on http://vsc-base.org
import * as vsc from "vsc-base";
export async function runOnSave(path: string) {
//Use vsc.getDocumentContent() and vsc.insertAt() and other method to change document before its saved
vsc-script is based on vsc-base. (And vsc-base, vsc-base.org, vsc-script and vsc-scaffolding shares one mono-respo)
vsc-base will get more convenient method over time for working with folder/files,
paths, strings and other elements that make it easier to create vscode extension and writen vsc-scripts.
vsc-base: npm-module | source-code
vsc-base.org: documentation
vsc-base release-notes
vsc-scaffolding: vscode-extension