vsc-rename-filesThis is a VS Code extension that adds support for mass find & replace file and directory names. Usage
FeaturesNo File Overwrites If a renaming results in a name (path) that already exists it will be shown in the preview. By default, this extension will append an incrementing index to the file. You can turn this off in the settings to ignore these situations, in which case the file will not be renamed. RegExp This extension supports Regular Expressions. All regular expressions are written without a '/' at the start or end, but you can add '/gimusy' for using Javascript RegExp flags. Add $index in name or in end of new name In rare cases, file renaming can result in the file having the same name (this is intended). You can use $index in the name to add an incrementing index value to the file. For example, let's say we are using the follow RegExp -- By using the following in our new name: Add [\u\U\l\L] in the new name to change casing in captured groups
These can be combined: For example:
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