Nelua vscode fork
Nelua better syntax highlighting, basic code completion, and snippets for Visual Studio Code.
Code completion for keywords , builtin functions , constants , types , and modules .
- Function declaration with
public or global .
- Types declaration for
record , enum , or union with public or global scope.
- If,
if else , if elseif else declaration.
- Switch with default case.
- New scope with
do .
- Goto with
goto keyword and declaration
- While declaration.
- Repeat with local variable declaration.
- Anonymous function declaration.
*Make sure to click the arrow > to open the docs!
Install the extension nelua or clone this repository into ~/.vscode/extensions/ and restart vscode.
- [X] More snippets.
- [X] Add competition to require.
- [ ] Add module completation.
- [ ] Add documentation to code completion and signatures to the functions.
- [X] Add run tasks.
- [ ] Add run task for windows
- [ ] Add syntax highlighting to types in the function
- [ ] Implement semantic highlighting.
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