This extension contributes semantic highlighting, a detailed class outline, advanced Free TON Solidity code insights to Visual Studio Code.
You can customize this extension for your needs! Show/Hide/Enable/Disable features in preferences → Settings → Solidity Visual Developer: solidity-va.*
Method 2: Bring up the Extension view in VS Code and search for Free Ton Solidity Visual Developer and click Install
Semantic highlighting and solidity insights for passive security awareness. Most features are configurable (preferences -> Settings -> Solidity Visual Developer)
Themes (preferences -> Color Theme):
Visual Auditor Dark - based on the "Atom One" theme
Visual Auditor Light (Visual Studio) - based on the standard "light (VSCode)" theme
Visual Auditor Solarized Light - based on the standard "Solarized Light" theme
Syntax Highlighting
access modifiers (external, public, payable, ...)
security relevant built-ins, globals, methods and user/miner-tainted information (, tx.origin,, block.*, now)
storage access modifiers (memory, storage)
developer notes in comments (TODO, FIXME, HACK, ...)
custom function modifiers
contract creation / event invocations
easily differentiate between arithmetics vs. logical operations
make Constructor and Fallback function more prominent
Semantic Highlighting
highlights StateVars (constant, inherited)
detects and alerts about StateVar shadowing
highlights function arguments in the function body
Review Features
audit annotations/bookmarks - @audit - <msg>@audit-ok - <msg> (see below)
generic interface for importing external scanner results - cdili json format (see below)
Cockpit View
Explor and focus on solidity files in your workspace
Generate report/graphs for any files/folders selected in the explorer views
Selectively flatten files
Search for contracts that are likely to be deployed in the system
Context-sensitive views: click into a contract in the editor to list public state-changing method
Get quick access to extension settings
Outline View
populates VS Code outline view with sourceUnit and contract layout
contracts, stateVars, methods, inherited names
annotates security relevant information (visibility, ...)
calculates complexity rating
annotations functions with information about whether they are accessing stateVars