Zuul Job Browser - VSCode PluginHow do I install the plugin?Install from this VSCode Extension Marketplace: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=alexander-scott.zuulplugin. To uninstall follow these instructions. Requirements
How do I effectively use the plugin?The best way to use this framework is by creating a multi-root workspace that has all the repositories/folders than contain your job definitions. For help creating a multi-root workspace follow this link. This plugin will scan all folders that are added to the workspace and link any defined jobs in any of the folders together. After the jobs have been parsed you're good to go! To see the number of jobs that have been parsed, look to the bottom left of the window: What does the plugin allow me to do?Jump to Job defintionFurther information here. It is currently implemented for:
Jump to Playbook from usageThis allows you to jump to the playbook from it's usage in a Job (Ctrl+Click / F12). Jump to Ansible variable declaration from usageThis allows you to jump to location where the variable was defined (Ctrl+Click / F12). The logic adheres to parent/child inheritance and will jump to the lowest level that a variable has been declared. Show Job DefinitionsFurther information here. This currently allows you to:
Show Job HierarchyShow the call hierarchy between parent and child jobs (Ctrl+Shift+H). This currently allows you to:
Show all Job ReferencesFurther information here. This currently allows you to:
Show Job Variables on hoverHovers show information about the job that's below the mouse cursor. This currently allows you to see:
Renaming all instances of a job with a single clickFurther information here. This using this feature renames the job in the following places:
How does it work?All yaml files in the Zuul.d folder are parsed to find jobs and job attributes. This light weight job hierarchy is then stored in memory and fetched when needed. There are also file watchers present to see when a valid file is Saved, Created and Deleted. Future Features