This is an independent project and not an official GitLab product.
It is intended to be used alongside yaml-language-server (yamlls), providing specialized support for GitLab CI files without replacing yamlls.
Go To Definition: Navigate to definitions of jobs, includes, variables,
needs, extends, components, stages and variables.
Find References: Find all usages of jobs, extends and stages.
Autocompletion: Suggestions for extends, stages, needs, variables, included projects files and components.
Hover Information: View documentation for job with merged definitions.
Diagnostics: Identifies issues with extends references, stage definitions, job needs usage and components.
Rename: Supports job renaming.
It also supports jump to included files. In case it is a remote file it tries to downloading using
current workspace git setup and caches it locally.
Note that this video doesn't include all functionalities.
This extension supports configuration which needs to be set up because gitlab-ci-ls
itself isn't installed along with the extension but it needs to be downloaded from
releases, brew or built from source.