Lodash string methods for Visual Studio Code
Lodash is a JavaScript library that provides utility functions for common programming tasks, utilizing the functional programming paradigm. This extension integrates the powerfull string manipulation methods of Lodash into Visual Studio Code. With a simple hotkey, you can effortlessly convert text into various formats such as camelCase, kebab-case, snake_case, and more.
InstallationInstall through VS Code extensions, just search for Visual Studio Code Market Place: Lodash String Tools Can also be installed in VS Code: Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter.
UsageUsing Command Palette (CMD/CTRL + Shift + P):
KeybindingsYou don't need to use the Command Palette all the time. Just create your own keybindings. Navigate to Example of keybindings.json file:
Now you can select the text in the editor and press Additional methodsIn addition to the Lodash string methods, this extension also provides a few non-standard string methods: