hihihi for VSCode
Born out of a love for rose gold. Modern. Classic. Iconic. For you.
A clean Visual Studio code theme that celebrates the lights of rose gold, inspired on GMK Olivia++ keycaps.
Color Palette
Color |
Use |
#f1beb0 |
This keyword, HTML elements, Regex group symbol, CSS units, Terminal Red |
#ff9e64 |
Number and Boolean constants, Language support constants |
#e0af68 |
Function parameters, Regex character sets, Terminal Yellow |
#f1beb0 |
Strings, CSS class names |
#73daca |
Object literal keys, Markdown links, Terminal Green |
#b4f9f8 |
Regex literal strings |
#2ac3de |
Language support functions, CSS HTML elements |
#7dcfff |
Object properties, Regex quantifiers and flags, Markdown headings, Terminal Cyan, Markdown code, Import/export keywords |
#7aa2f7 |
Function names, CSS property names, Terminal Blue |
#bb9af7 |
Control Keywords, Storage Types, Regex symbols and operators, HTML Attributes, Terminal Magenta |
#c0caf5 |
Variables, Class names, Terminal White |
#a9b1d6 |
Editor Foreground |
#9aa5ce |
Markdown Text, HTML Text |
#cfc9c2 |
Parameters inside functions (semantic highlighting only) |
#565f89 |
Comments |
#414868 |
Terminal |
#24283b |
Editor |
❤ Special thanks ️to:️
hihihi theme icon was made using logo.com, and color palettes in this README use placeholder.com.
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