Search for StopWatch Timer in the extensions tab in the editor
Status Bar Integration:
Shows the elapsed time in the status bar.
Integrated start/stop toggle button and reset button.
Reload confirmation dialog when changing settings.
Webview Interface: An interactive webview interface for controlling the stopwatch.
Start, Stop, Reset: Simple controls to start, stop, and reset the stopwatch.
Customizable Display: Switch between dark and light mode with a theme toggle button.
Custom Fonts: Supports various fonts, including DSEG, Orbitron, and more.
Open the action bar in the Explorer and navigate to the STOPWATCH tab.
Use the displayed stopwatch to start, stop, or reset the timer, and check the time. (Refer to:Demo)
You can also check the time from the status bar:
⏱️ icon shows the current time
▶️/⏸️ button toggles start/stop
🔄 button resets the timer
When changing font or position settings, you'll be prompted to reload for changes to take effect.
You can configure the extension settings in your settings.json file:
stopwatch.setStatusBarPosition: Controls the position of the status bar item. Options are Left or Right.
stopwatch.switchFont: Controls the font of the stopwatch display. Available fonts include Arial, sans-serif, DSEG-Regular, DSEG-Bold, Orbitron, RampartOne, 瀞ノグリッチ, 851Gkktt, rycsminStencily, and Isego.
When setting stopwatch.switchFont, here is an example of usage.
Arial, sans-serif (default)
Dark Mode / White Mode
The Dark Mode / Light Mode feature allows you to switch to Dark Mode by pressing the 🌙 button, and to Light Mode by pressing the 🌞 button.
Here is an example of how to use it.
New Features
Release 0.0.5
Integrated start/stop and reset buttons in the status bar
Added reload confirmation dialog when changing settings
Change Log📝
You can checkout all our changes in our CHANGELOG.