SEAT is a learning tool developed at UCL that automatically validates student's code against model answers.
In order to use SEAT as a student you need to follow 5 simple steps:
Install Stack (recommended), a Haskell package manager which includes GHC. Make sure to run stack setup once it is installed. You can also install GHC through the Haskell Platform installation, which also comes with Stack.
Install the QuickCheck library by running stack install QuickCheck (Stack) or cabal install QuickCheck (GHCi).
Download SEAT extension. You can also run this command ext install labassignments in VS Code Quick Open.
Open any .pla file. SEAT will automatically generate a .hs where you can start coding your solutions. You'll need to open the .pla file first everytime you want to use SEAT.
Whenever you want to check if your code is correct, click the button: Check answers. SEAT will assess your solutions and provide feedback. If the code doesn't compile, SEAT will show the compiling errors through GHCi.
SEAT supports both Stack and GHCi as interfaces to the Haskell compiler. The default configuration is set to stack but it can be changed (open the config file through Code > Preferences > Settings):