Analog FocusA VS Code theme with an analogous color scheme, avoiding blue colors and high contrast for comfortable extended sessions. It still uses a white status bar foreground, so that the Vim extension’s Status Bar Color Control feature is still usable. InstallationYou can install this theme from the Extensions panel, by searching for ‘analog focus’. It’s published under ‘Tyler TM’ (unique id: TylerTM.analog-focus). The theme can also be found on the VS Code marketplace, here. ScopeI mostly use this theme with JavaScript, TypeScript, and Markdown files, so while a lot of language-agnostic scopes are used, it’s not guaranteed to look great (not that it does anyways) with other languages. Feel free to open a pull request to add scopes for tokens that you feel are missing, especially from languages other than JS/TS. Enjoy! |