Nickel Language VS Code extensionFeatures
PrerequsitesThe VSCode extension is available on the VSCode Market Place. You need the Nickel Language Server (NLS) installed independently from the VSCode extension. Installation methods for NLS are detailed below. Install NLSUsing pre-built binariesEach Nickel release comes with pre-built binaries including NLS for a few common platforms. You can download them from the GitHub releases page. If your platform is not supported, you can try the methods below. You should prefer Nix or Cargo if you already have on of them installed. Otherwise, using Cargo might be the simplest option. Using Nix
Using Cargo
Other installation methodsSee the Nickel README and The LSP README. Building from sourceIf you need to build the VSCode extension yourself, you'll need to build it from source. Different methods are detailed below. With NixFrom the root of the Nickel project:
The VSIX extension will be at With YarnFrom this directory:
The VSIX extension will be at Updating