vscode-gutenbergThis extension aims to bridge the gap between technical writers of markup languages such as markdown, and eventually a few other light weight markups extensions. The goal is to take files, and print them into a book pdf, doc, or html. This extension is strictly for writers that want to focus on writing markup and print without all the extra hassle. Video DemoNew Feature 1.1.2This release introduces a file selection webview, as shown below. It offers a bit more control, and offers less rigidity when it comes to folder structure. It remembers what you selected previously, saved on a hidden file called Extension SupportThe extension supports anything that pandoc supports as that is what is being used in the background for all the magic. As time goes on, I'll keep adding what's supported here so that people can quickly read if is something they can use for school, or work.
FeaturesThe extension has three commands:
Print BookThe workspace will be treated as the root directory, if there are folders in the root directory, and those folders are not in the ignore configuration array they will be treated as chapters. If for whatever reason you don't want the workspace treated as the root directory, you can choose a path of your own in the configuration. Without taking into consideration ignored folders, if the root path doesn't contain any folders then the extension will look into the root path for files if they contain the markdown extension. Print SinglePrints one single file into the desired output extension. Select Files to PrintThe workspace will be treated as the root directory, files will be read recursively. Then the files will be shown in a webview for user to select which files to print. RequirementsFollow your operating system install instructions.
Before you attempt to use this extension, do a minimal test to ensure you can use pandoc in the command line to print to your desired output. If that works, then you are good to go. If it didn't work please look on Stack Overflow or google for assistance, gutenberg needs those two dependencies.
Book Structure (Only needed for Print Book Command)There are two ways you can structure your book. If you're like me chances are you want some folder structure, keeping in mind, that there should be no nesting within those folders, basically from root folder you can have one nested level of folders or chapters. I thought about gathering files recursively, but that would complicate things a bit with ordering while is certainly doable, I think it isn't worth the trouble for now. Folder structured book:
Files in root path:
Extension SettingsThis extension contributes the following settings:
ignoreRootPathFoldersThis setting can be useful to ignore folders like ignoreFilesThis setting ignores files. If there are folders, then it ignores files within the folders. If there are no folders, then it ignores files within the root directory. Known IssuesNone Release NotesNo major changes, added pandocCommandExtra to single print to be in par with book print. Added a bit of information regarding mermaid support. 1.1.2Additions:
CreditsSome of the work here is an extension of vscode-pandoc so I thank dfinke for his contributions. |