My Updated EPITECH C/C++ HeadersThis creates Headers for EPITECH projects. C and haskell headers are the ones required by the coding style, while the other are updated, with more space to write a description... Also, creating headers is instantaneous, no more need to spam enter :eyes:. Link to the Visual Studio Code Marketplace extension page. FeaturesYou can create a header for a new file by:
Each time you save a C or C++ file with a header, it will update it automatically (don't really remember that on the code, but maybe :eyes:). You can configure the headers in a very simple manner by executing the Extension SettingsThis extension uses the following configuration entries:
Known IssuesNone Release Notes1.0.0Fork from This repo Note that I probably won't keep track of all the changes as a changelog (because it's boring and if u want a "changelog" just look at the commits). If I think, I'll update the version "id", but don't really expect that. I probably will just update the functionalities |