A VS Code extension that provides intelligent code formatting and syntax highlighting for Eleva.js - the minimalist, lightweight, pure vanilla JavaScript frontend runtime framework.
- Automatic Component Detection - Detects Eleva.js components in your JavaScript files
- Template String Formatting - Properly formats HTML in template strings
- Signal Usage Formatting - Ensures proper
access for signals
- Style Function Formatting - Formats CSS in style functions
- Setup Function Formatting - Standardizes setup function structure
- Format On Save - Optional automatic formatting when saving files
- Custom Keybinding - Format with
/ Cmd+Alt+E
- Right-Click Format - Format directly from the context menu
- Syntax Highlighting - Highlights Eleva.js event directives (@click, @input, etc.)
- Signal Highlighting - Colorizes signal interpolations in template strings
- Open VS Code
- Go to Extensions (or press
/ Cmd+Shift+X
- Search for "Eleva.js Formatter"
- Click Install
Or install from the VS Code Marketplace.
- Keyboard Shortcut: Press
/ Cmd+Alt+E
when editing a JavaScript file
- Command Palette: Press
/ Cmd+Shift+P
and search for "Format with Eleva.js Formatter"
- Context Menu: Right-click in the editor and select "Format with Eleva.js Formatter"
Enable "Format on Save" in the extension settings to automatically format Eleva.js files when saving.
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
: Enable/disable the extension
: Format files automatically on save
: Preferred quote style for template strings (backticks, singleQuotes, doubleQuotes)
: Number of spaces for indentation
: Enable/disable syntax highlighting for Eleva.js events and signals
You can modify these settings in VS Code's settings:
- Go to File > Preferences > Settings (or press
/ Cmd+,
- Search for "Eleva" to find all formatter settings
- Adjust the settings to your preference
The Eleva.js Formatter applies these key formatting rules:
Template Functions
- Consistently uses backticks for template strings
- Properly indents HTML content
- Formats interpolation expressions for readability
Signal Access
- Ensures consistent
access for Signal objects
- Formats signal usage in template interpolation
Style Functions
- Consistently uses backticks for CSS strings
- Properly indents and formats CSS content
Setup Functions
- Standardizes destructuring pattern
- Ensures consistent return structure
- Formats signal declarations
Syntax Highlighting
The extension provides enhanced syntax highlighting for Eleva.js specific syntax:
- Event Directives:
, @input
, @keyup
, etc. are highlighted in a distinct color (pink/red by default)
- Signal Interpolations:
{{ count.value }}
expressions are highlighted to make them stand out (blue by default)
- Component Properties:
attributes are highlighted as component properties (green by default)
This makes it easier to visually identify different parts of your Eleva.js templates and catch potential errors.
Before formatting:
app.component("counter", {
setup: ({signal}) => {
const count = signal(0);
function increment() { count.value++; }
return {count, increment}
template: (ctx) => "<div><h1>Count: {{count}}</h1><button @click='increment'>+</button></div>",
style: (ctx) => "div { padding: 1rem; } h1 { color: blue; }"
After formatting:
app.component("counter", {
setup: ({ signal }) => {
const count = signal(0);
function increment() {
return { count, increment };
template: (ctx) => `
<h1>Count: {{ count.value }}</h1>
<button @click="increment">+</button>
style: (ctx) => `
div {
padding: 1rem;
h1 {
color: blue;
This extension works with:
- Eleva.js v1.0.0 and above
- JavaScript files (.js)
- TypeScript files (.ts) containing Eleva.js components
Known Issues & Limitations
- Complex nested signal expressions may need manual adjustments
- Deep HTML structure formatting is limited by the simplified HTML parser
- Only file-level formatting is supported (no selection-specific formatting yet)
- [ ] Support for formatting selected code regions
- [ ] Advanced HTML parser for better template formatting
- [ ] Snippets for common Eleva.js patterns
- [ ] Integration with ESLint rules specific to Eleva.js
- [ ] TypeScript declarations formatting
- [ ] IntelliSense for Eleva.js APIs
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request
This extension is licensed under the MIT License.
- Eleva.js - The minimalist JavaScript framework that inspired this extension
- Prettier - Used for base JavaScript formatting
Made with ❤️ by Tarek Raafat