Python Snippets For Data ScienceCOVID19: Wear Mask, Keep distance, Stay Home, Stay SafeThank you for using these snippets, hope they make your coding faster, welcome your feedback!!!
- Classification Snippets included
Snippet Key | Description |
ml-r-slr | Simple Linear Regression |
ml-r-mlr | Multiple Linear Regression |
ml-r-ply | Polynomial Regression |
ml-r-svr | SVM Regressor with RBF kernel |
ml-r-dtr | Decision Tree Regressor |
ml-r-rfr | Random Forest Regressor |
Snippet Key | Description |
ml-c-lr | Logistic Regression Classification |
ml-c-knn | K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) Classification |
ml-c-svm | Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classification |
ml-c-ksvm | Kernel SVM Classification |
ml-c-gnb | Gaussian Naive Bayes |
ml-c-mnb | Multinomial Naive Bayes |
ml-c-dtc | Decision Tree Classification |
ml-c-rfc | Random Forest Classification |
Pandas Dataframe snippets
Snippet Key | Description |
pd | Import numpy , pandas and create a data frame from csv file |
pp | Above + matplotlib.pyplot |
ps | Above + seborn |
Python File/Interactive window snippets
Snippet Key | Description |
c | Create Cell (# %%) |
cc | Create Markdown cell(# %% [markdown]) |
Snippet Key | Description |
r | Ref Line |
You must be in python file.
Extension Settings
Known Issues
Release Notes
Adding snippets for Python File/Interactive window snippets
Message added in readme file
Initial release of Python Snippets For Data Science
- *Many (not all) Naming conventions and code flow are inspired from udemy course [Machine Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Python & R In Data Science] (, as I learned from it found very intuitive - Though we don't have any business deal ;)