JavaScript Code Snippets
This extension contains javascript code snippets for Visual Studio Code editor.
Author - Shivam Shukla |
List of all available snippets is given below.
Trigger |
Content |
nfn |
create a funtion with function keyword function functionName () {} |
fn |
create a anonymous function function () {} |
afn |
create a arrow function const functionName= () => {} |
apply |
create an apply funtion functionName.apply(this,arguments) |
call |
create a call function,arguments) |
iife |
create iife function (function() {} ();) |
iifer |
create iife function with return value const result=(function(){ return ; } ();) |
Trigger |
Content |
np |
create a promise with then and catch methods new Promise((res, rej) => {}) |
npres |
create a promise and resolve it Promise.resolve() |
nprej |
create a promise and reject it Promise.reject() |
npf |
create a promise with try, catch and finally block |
npall |
Promise.all method Promise.all() |
npany |
Promise.any method Promise.any() |
nprace |
Promise.race method Promise.race() |
npallsettled |
Promise.all method Promise.allsettled() |
Array Methods
Trigger |
Content |
arrmth |
create Array method for - forEach, map, filter, find, every, some. |
arrconcat |
Array concat method array1.concat(array2); |
arrcopyWithin |
Array copyWithin method array1.copyWithin(array2); |
arrentries |
Array copyWithin method array.entries(); |
arrfilter |
Array filter method array.filter((item, index, array) => {}); |
arrfindIndex |
Array findIndex method array.findIndex((item, index, array) => {}); |
arrflat |
Array float method array.flat(); |
arrflatmap |
Array float method array.flatMap((item, index, array) => {}); |
arrforEach |
Array forEach method array.forEach((item, index, array) => {}); |
arrfrom |
Array from method Array.from(array, item => {}); |
arrisArray |
Array isArray method Array.isArray(array); |
arrincludes |
Array includes method array.includes(value); |
arrindexOf |
Array indexOf method array.indexOf(value); |
arrjoin |
Array join method array.join(string); |
arrkeys |
Array keys method array.keys(); |
arrmap |
Array map method (element, index, array) { }, thisArg); |
arrof |
Array of method Array.of(element0, element1); |
arrpop |
Array pop method array.pop();; |
arrpush |
Array push method array.push(''); |
arrreduce |
Array reduce method array.reduce((accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array) => { }); |
arrreduceRight |
Array reduceRight method array.reduceRight((accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array) => { }); |
arrreverse |
Array reverse method array.reverse(''); |
arrshift |
Array shift method array.shift(''); |
arrslice |
Array slice method array.slice(begin, end); |
arrsome |
Array some method array.some(function (element, index, array) { }, thisArg); |
arrsort |
Array sort method array.sort((a, b) => { } ); |
arrsplice |
Array splice method array.splice(start, deleteCount, item1, item2, itemN); |
arrunshift |
Array unshift method array.unshift(element0, element1, /* … ,*/ elementN); |
Object Methods
Trigger |
Content |
objkeys |
Object keys method Object.keys(myObj) |
objkeysforeach |
Object keys metod with foreach method Object.keys(myObj).forEach((key, index) => {}) |
objvalues |
Object values method Object.values(myObj) |
objvaluesforeach |
Object values metod with foreach method Object.values(myObj).forEach((key, index) => {}) |
objentries |
Object entries method Object.entries(myObj) |
objentriesforeach |
Object entries metod with foreach method Object.entries(myObj).forEach((key, index) => {}) |
objassign |
Object assign method Object.assign(target, source) |
objfreeze |
Object freeze method Object.freeze(obj) |
objis |
Object is method, value2) |
objtoString |
Object toString method obj.toString() |
objprototype.toString |
Object prototype toString method obj.prototype.toString=function(){}; |
objhasOwnProperty |
Object hasOwnProperty method obj.hasOwnProperty(property); |
objgetOwnPropertyNames |
Object getOwnPropertyNames method Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); |
objgetOwnPropertyDescriptor |
Object getOwnPropertyDescriptor method Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, property); |
Conditional Operator
Trigger |
Content |
i |
Basic if statment if(conditon) {} |
ife |
If-else statment if(conditon) {} else {} |
ei |
Else if statment else if(condition) {} |
swt |
Switch Statment |
case condition: //...
case condition: //...
default: //....
Trigger |
Content |
fin |
For in loop for(const key in source) {} |
fof |
For of loop for(cont key of source) {} |
wl |
while loop while(condition) {} |
Fetch Request
fetch → Fetch Request
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => console.log(data));
fetchc → Fetch with catch
.then(response => {
if (response.status === 200) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error('Something went wrong on api server!');
.then(data => {
}).catch(error => {
asyncfetch → Async/Await Fetch Request
const request = async () => {
const response = await fetch('url');
const data = await response.json();
Exception Handling
Trigger |
Content |
tc |
Try and Catch try {} catch(err) {} |
tcf |
Try, Catch and Finally try {} catch(err) {} finally {} |
ax → Axios Request for all get, post, put, delete
.then(res => console.log(
.catch(err => console.log(err));
asyncax → Axios Request for all get, post, put, delete
async function functionName() {
try {
const response = await axios.(get,post,put,delete)('url');
const data = await response.json();
return data;
} catch (error) {
Trigger |
Content |
st |
Set Timeout setTimeout(() => {}, delay) |
si |
Set Interval setInterval(() => {}, intervalInms) |
sim |
Set Immediate setImmediate(() => {}) |
stv |
Set TimeOut with variable const timer = setTimeout(() => {}, delay) |
ct |
Clear Timeout clearTimeout(variableName) |
siv |
Set Interval with variable cont timer = setInterval(() => {}, intervalInms) |
ci |
Clear Interval clearInterval(variableName) |
Trigger |
Content |
ad |
Array Destructure const [element1, element2] = array |
od |
Object Destructure const {property1, property2} = object |
ES6 Modules
Trigger |
Content |
ed |
export default export default member |
edf |
export default named function export default function functionName() {} |
ec |
export const export const member = value |
im |
import import * from 'module' |
ima |
import as import * as name from 'module' |
imd |
import with destructure import { } from 'module' |
rq |
require const module = require(module) |
me |
module exports module.exports = {} |
cls → class
class name {
constructor() {
clsx → class with extends
class name extends base {
constructor() {
Trigger |
Content |
clog |
console.log console.log(obj); |
cl |
console log with key value pair console.log('obj:',obj); |
cclr |
console clear console.clear(); |
cw |
console warn console.warn(obj); |
ctb |
console table console.table(obj); |
cass |
console assert console.assert(expression, obj); |
cc |
console count console.count(label); |
ccr |
console countrest console.countReset(label); |
cdir |
console dir console.dir(obj, {colors: true, depth: null}); |
cerr |
console error console.error(obj); |
cgrp |
console group; |
cend |
console groupend console.groupEnd(); |
cin |
console info |
ctym |
console time console.time(label); |
cte |
console timeend console.timeEnd(label); |
ctg |
console timelog console.timeLog(label); |
ctr |
console trace console.trace(label); |
| |