HANA SQL Analyzer for Visual Studio Code is a brand new software that we are developing from the scratch to help users analyze the performance of HANA SQL queries. This repository will be the only single source for the development plan, code, development status, release information, downloadable package, analysis know-hows, and bug reporting.
Why Another SQL Analysis Tool?
First of all, you might have a question why we are developing another tool in addtion to the existing PlanViz in Studio and SQL Analyzer in HANA Cockpit. Some answers are:
Bascially it is to make developers happier (developer experience).
With the deprecation of Studio, we couldn't bring new features anymore to PlanViz in Studio.
New WebIDE (official name: SAP Business Application Studio) is built on Eclipse Theia, which is based on Visual Studio Code, which is based on Electron.js new cross platform to build web-based desktop apps, which is based on Google Chrome(actually Chromium) browser and Node.js. So, VSCode extension app can be plugged into new WebIDE, which is aligned with new developer tooling strategy for both cloud and on-prem.
PlanViz has been built in 2011, and it required big refactoring to accomodate multiple SQL engines. We decided to build from the scratch for this major change.
SQL Analyzer for Visual Studio Code is still under heavy development. Here are some highlighted features:
Live connection support (Note: connection details will be stored in SecretStorage.)
Load multiple PLV files and keep the history
Visualize query plans in PLV into plan graph
Quick analysis support
Critical path visualization
Bookmark and sharing (Note: Personal data can be anonymized and the comments can be deleted by users.)
SQL Plan Execution Monitor for real-time analysis
Advanced UX
How To Install
Install Visual Studio Code if not installed already (>= 1.53.0 is required because the extension is relying on the APIs from that version).
Open VSCode and click Extensions tab (puzzle icon) from the left side menu bar
Search for 'SAP HANA SQL Analyzer' and install Visual Studio Code Extension file (vsc-extension-sa-.vsix) of this new SQL Analyzer from VSCode Marketplace.
Once the installation is completed, the new SQL Analyzer icon will be added in the left side menu.
How To Use
Go to SQL Analyzer extension (by clicking the last extension icon from the left side menu)
Click (+) icon from the top PLAN GRAPHS section in the left side panel.
Select a PLV file from the file open dialog to show the visualized plan.