phpunit.args |
This is useful for setting the configuration settings shared between the command line and the test explorer. |
{} |
phpunit.configurationPath |
Path to phpunit.xml configuration file (if empty it tries to use find the nearest configuration file). |
'' |
phpunit.envVars |
Set environment variables before running phpunit |
{} |
phpunit.execPath |
Path to phpunit executable (if empty it tries to use composer installation). |
"" |
phpunit.workingDirectory |
This determines the working directory of the process that runs the test commands. Set to Find to find the working directory based upon the phpunit.xml or phpunit.xml.dist path. Set to Parent to use the working directory of the parent process. |
"Find" |
phpunit.commandLine.args |
This is useful for setting the command line configuration. |
[] |
phpunit.commandLine.excludedGroups |
Groups to be excluded from the tests |
[] |
phpunit.commandLine.scriptsAfterTests |
Scripts to execute after the tests run |
{ "ok": [], "error": []} |
phpunit.commandLine.showOutput |
Show the output console after the tests run (always, error, ok). |
"always" |
phpunit.commandLine.showOutputInTerminal |
Re-run the test and show the output within a terminal instead of an output channel. This only occurs when the conditions in phpunit.commandLine.showOutput are met. |
false |
phpunit.testExplorer.args |
This is useful for setting the test explorer configuration. Warning: some arguments, such as --testdox, will not allow the test explorer tests to pass. |
[] |
phpunit.testExplorer.discoverAllTests |
Determines whether to discover all tests immediately or discover them individually once opened in the editor. |
true |
phpunit.testExplorer.fileRegex |
The regular expression used to determine test files. |
".*(test\|tests)\\w\*\\.php" |
phpunit.testExplorer.folderPattern |
A file glob pattern used to determine the folders to watch. Only used when discoverAllTests is set to true. |
"**/{test,tests,Test,Tests}/**/*.php" |
phpunit.testExplorer.functionRegex |
The regular expression used to determine the functions within a file to test. |
(\\/\\*.*?(@test).*?\\*\\/\\s*?)\|((public\\s+){0,1}function\\s+(test\\w*)) |
phpunit.testExplorer.highlightFailureLocation |
Highlight the line causing the failure in a test. You can edit the theme color with the ID phpunit.failedTestBackground to change the background color. |
True |
phpunit.testExplorer.multilineFunctionRegex |
Determines if the functionRegex looks at multiple lines. This is useful if the test is defined by an annotation comment. |
true |
phpunit.testExplorer.parallelTests |
The number of tests to run in parallel in the test explorer. |
0 |
phpunit.testExplorer.showOutput |
Show the output console after the tests run (always, error, never). |
"never" |
phpunit.testExplorer.showOutputInTerminal |
Re-run the test and show the output within a terminal instead of an output channel. This only occurs when the conditions in phpunit.testExplorer.showOutput are met. |
false |
phpunit.testExplorer.timeout |
The time (seconds) to allow a test to run. The default is no timeout. |
0 |
phpunit.testExplorer.verboseTestExplorerOutput |
Setting to true forces test explorer to run individual tests instead of only running the class test to get output for each test. |
false |