Free TON Solidity Language for Visual Studio Code
Solidity Language support to Visual Studio Code, via the vssolidity.
The source code is available at
Developed by Pruvendo
- Syntax highlighting
- Snippets
- Code completion for all contracts / libraries in the current file and all referenced imports
- VsCode 1.30.0 or more recent
Before the installation remove all the Solidity syntax highlighing plugins installed in you VSCode.
The recommended way to install VSSolidity is via
the Visual Studio Marketplace.
In case of manual build use the following sequence of actions:
- Install latest npm
- Install vsce (sudo npm -g vsce)
- Prepare the package (vsce pack) (run from the root directory of the project)
- In VSCode select Preferences/Extensions
- Select Install from VSIX
- Select the .vsix file generated by vsce
Detailed documentation
At the present time there is a number of sophisticated VSCode syntax highlishters for Solidity, such as juanblanco.solidity, however, all of them are designed for Ethereum that is different than Free TON version of this language.
An option to adopt one of the existing open-source plugins was considered however their complexity convinced us to develop a Free TON Solidity syntax highlighter from scratch.
Syntax highlight
The following elements are automatically highlighted:
- Comments
- Block comments (
/* */ )
- Line comments (
// )
- The following tags are also specially highlighted inside the comments:
- Commented lines with metatags such as @title, @author, @notice, @dev, @param, @return
- Operators
- Logical (
< , == , > , <= , >= , != , && , || )
- Arithmetic (
+ , - , / , * )
- Binary (
^ , & , | )
- Mapping (
=> )
- Assignment (
= )
- Control flow
- Conditions (
if , else )
- Loops (
for , while , do , continue , break )
- Exceptions (
try , catch , finally )
return operators
- Constants
- Logical (
true , false )
- Temporal (
seconds , minutes , hours , days , weeks , years )
- Financial (
ton )
- Numbers (decimal and hexadecimals)
- Strings
- Types
- Primitive types -
bool , uint_<size> , int_<size> , address , string , bytes , hash_<size>
- Complex types (
struct , enum , mapping , arrays)
- Built-in constructions
- variables (
this , super , abi , msg.sender , msg , block , tx , now , tx.origin , tx.gasprice , , msg.sig , msg.value )
- functions (
require , assert , revert , selfdestruct , suicide , addmod , mulmod , keccak256 , sha256 , sha3 , ripemd1t60 , ecrecover , unicode , blockhash , gasleft , type )
- Modifiers
- Access modifiers (
internal , external , private , public , inline )
- Payable modifiers (
payable , nonpayable )
- Extended modifiers (
pure , view , inherited , indexed , storage , memory , virtual , calldata , override , abstract , responsible )
- Custom modifiers
- User identifiers
- Punctuation characters (
{ , } , ; , . , , , [ , ] , ( , ) )
- Specific constructions
- imports
- pragmas
- contracts and interfaces
- constructors
function and modifier
new and delete
- events
using ... for
assembly and let
The example of the highlighted source code is provided below:
Code snippets
The snippets allow to automatically insert some fragments of code. For example, if the user starts to enter enum keyword the suggestion to use the snippet automatically appears. In case of agreement the following code is generated:
enum Name {item1, item2 }
Currently the following snippets are supported (the word in parentheses indicates what should be typed (fully or partially) to switch the snippet suggestion on):
- contract declaration (
contract )
- constructor declaration (
constructor )
- enum declaration (
enum )
- error declaration (
error )
- event declaration (
event )
for statement (for )
- function declaration (
function )
- function return declaration (
function-return )
- function view declaration (
function-view )
- function view return declaration (
function-view-return )
- function pure declaration (
function-pure )
- function pure return declaration (
function-pure-return )
- function inline return declaration (
function-inline-return )
- function functionID declaration (
function-functionID )
- function externalMsg declaration (
function-externalMsg )
- function internalMsg declaration (
function-internalMsg )
if statement (if )
if ... else statement (ife )
import (import )
- interface declaration (
interface )
- interface returns declararion (
interface-returns )
- library declaration (
library )
mapping declaration (mapping )
modifier declaration (modifier )
pragma ton-solidity (pragma )
pragma ton-solidity example (pragma-ex )
pragma ignoreIntOverflow (pragma-ig )
pragma AbiHeader (pragma-ab )
pragma msgValue (pragma-ms )
require (require )
unchecked (unchecked )
receive declaration (receive )
fallback declaration (fallback )
onBounce declaration (onBounce )
onTickTock declaration (onTickTock )
onCodeUpgrade declaration (onCodeUpgrade )
afterSignatureCheck declaration (afterSignatureCheck )
selfdestruct declaration (selfdestruct )
sha256 declaration (sha256 )
gasToValue declaration (gasToValue )
valueToGas declaration (valueToGas )
- help runtime error codes (
help-runtime-error-codes )
Code completion
The following TON-types are supported:
- TvmCell
- TvmSlice
- TvmBuilder
- uint[]
- bytes
- string
The following TON-functions are supported:
- msg
- tvm
- math
- tx
- block
- rnd
Further plans
For the next version it's planned to implement a real deep grammar analysis of the code that will let:
- Discover the syntax errors
- Implement the movement to the function implementations
- Discover unused identifiers
- ... and much more
The developers welcome any feedback and suggestions about improvement of the current functionality and setup. Feel free to contact the project lead Sergey Egorov or the key developer Ruben Akhayan.
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