Utilities for inserting and copying line numbers during single and multi-cursor editing. Similar utility to extensions like "Turbo Console Log" but more general and works for general editing
Currently there are four commands:
Line Number Utils: Copy Line Number(s) at Cursor(s) to Clipboard: Mapped to ctrl+shift+alt+c. Will take the line number at the cursor(s) and copy to the system clipboard
Line Number Utils: Insert Line Number(s) at Cursor(s): Mapped to ctrl+shift+alt+i. Will take the line number at the cursor(s) insert the corresponding number(s) at the cursor(s)
Line Number Utils: Insert Sequential Number(s) at Cursor(s): Mapped to ctrl+shift+alt+q. Will open two input boxes, a box to accept a starting number, and a step, and increment from there. IE If step is start is 3, step is 2, and there are 4 cursors, will insert 3, 5, 7, 9 respectively at each cursor
Line Number Utils: Insert Default Sequential Number(s) at Cursor(s): Mapped to ctrl+shift+alt+d. The same as command 3. but without prompts. Will automatically start at 0 and increment by 1.