A talon vscode command client (included by default in knausj).
The example talon file requires the user.letters and number captures (included by default in knausj).
Expand and collapse directories
Expand multiple levels of a directory in one command
Move files across directories
Open files
Rename files
Create files
Delete files
Select files (useful for scrolling through file tree using keys and centering files in tree view)
Finding files in folder
Extension Settings
talon-filetree.letterStyling: Select the style of the hints between lowercase, uppercase or emoji.
talon-filetree.hintPosition: You can select to place the hints to the left or the right of the file name.
talon-filetree.hintSeparator: Select the symbols to separate the hint from the file name (only applies when hints are positioned to the left).
Other Settings
Apart from the settings declared by this extension there are other settings that affect its behavior:
files.exclude: Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders.
files.enableTrash: Moves files/folders to the OS trash (recycle bin on Windows) when deleting. Disabling this will delete files/folders permanently.
explorer.confirmDelete: Controls whether the extension should ask for confirmation when deleting a file via the trash.
explorer.excludeGitIgnore: Controls if git ignored files should be shown. This setting can also be toggled using the command tree git.
explorer.autoReveal: Controls whether the extension should automatically reveal and select files when opening or focusing them. Bear in mind that only true or false values are possible, the option focusNoScroll will have the same effect as true.
explorer.autoRevealExclude: Configure glob patterns for excluding files and folders from being revealed and selected when they are opened or focused.
Talon Setup
An example talon file can be found and cloned from here