Geliver UI support for vscode editor, natively support with .proto files. But if you need to have a complete feature still suggest to use Postman.
Request, Response History
Collection and Preset
App and Editor Theme
Auto import endpoints from servers
Import & Export Data ( currently not available in vscode webview )
Only support UnaryCall now
Implement client-streaming, server-streaming, and bidirectional-streaming gRPC methods
Support basic GRPC server with .proto files generation
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
geliver.protos: default protos file path and server settings ( larger directory will take longer to load )
geliver.app_theme: default app theme
geliver.editor_theme: default editor theme
Example Settings & Screenshot
Known Issues
Currently webview is not able to import & export data.
Data not cached since using IndexedDB. In future maybe can use dexie-cloud.
Advanced: Faker Data Generation
If you want to have fake data when selecting endpoint to call, you can do with proto custom field options as below. Currently it's generating using Faker. As example if you want to have random names you can make proto as below. It will call