prefsync: Upload your settings and keybindings to a git repository (extension.uploadSettings)
prefsync: Download settings and keybindings from a git repository (extension.downloadSettings)
prefsync: Check for changes in current Settings (extension.checkForSettingsChanges)
prefsync: Revert local settings to remote (extension.revertLocalSettings)
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
vscodeprefsync.repositoryUrl: Url of the git repository to use for syncing settings
vscodeprefsync.localRepository: Where to check out the repository
vscodeprefsync.automaticallyOpenChanges: Open the result from a git diff in an editor window after downloading settings or checking for changes
vscodeprefsync.project: Unique name. If you want to sync settings.json or other files in your local .vscode directory then provide this setting in your local .vscode/settings.json
vscodeprefsync.files: Array of strings. Additional files to be synchronized from your local .vscode folder. You must provide the setting 'vscodeprefsync.project' for this to work
Getting Started
To use this extension follow these steps
Create a GitHub/GitLab repository (or whatever you want)
Install the extension
Go to your user settings
Set vscodeprefsync.repositoryUrl to the url of the repository you created
Upload you settings/keybindings using the command prefsync: Upload your settings and keybindings to a git repository
Synchronizing files in .vscode
If you are using a version control system and .vscode is already part of that you shouldn't need to do this, but if you want to synchronize your local settings file or other files in the .vscode directory follow these steps:
Add the vscodeprefsync.project to your local settings file and specify a name (e.g. name of your project)
Specify all files in .vscode that you want to synchronize as a string array for the setting vscodeprefsync.files (settings.json will automatically be synchronized and doesn't have to be specified here)
Upload your settings.
Add the setting vscodeprefsync.project to your local settings file on other computers that you want to synchronize with.