Support for Salesforce LWC snippets (shortcut key)

This extension contains code snippets (shortcut keys) for salesforce Lightning Design System and JavaScript in ES6 syntax for Vs Code editor (supports HTML, JavaScript and XML).

Lightning Design System
Trigger |
Component |
Type |
Language |
Content |
lwc: |
Lightning |
lwc:button, lwc:input, lwc:layout, lwc:iteration... |
slds: |
Aura & LWC |
slds:modal, slds:table, slds:select... |
lwc: |
Configuration tags |
lwc:target, lwc:target-community, lwc:design... |
LWC modules in JavaScript
Trigger |
Content |
imp: |
Import module : uiObjectInfoApi, navigation, toastEvent, pub-sub, apexClass... |
met: |
Import standard functions constructor , connectedCallback , renderedCallback ... |
wire: |
wire method ( parametric / nonParametric ) and Message Channel |
apex: |
apex imperative method ( parametric / nonParametric ) |
msgChl: |
Lightning message service’s function publish , subscribe , unsubscribe ... |
api: |
Add @api:getter-setter, @api:function... |
JavaScript various methods ( ES6 support )
Trigger |
Content |
c: |
Import console methods log , table , info ... |
arr: |
Import iterable (Array) function forEach , filter , forLoop , map ... |
object: |
Import Obejct function assign , hasOwnProperty , keys , values ... |
query: |
Add querySelector methods... |
json: |
JSON.parse, JSON.stringify... |
evt: |
dataSet, stopPropagation, preventDefault... |
tcf: |
try catch statement try {} catch (error) {} finally {} |
thenc: |
adds then and catch declaration to a promise .then((res) => {).catch((err) => {}); |
prom: |
creates a new Promise return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {}); |
Note : All the snippets include the final semicolon ;
Enjoy ! Thank You
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