VS Code Extension for MicroProfile Starter
The MicroProfile Starter extension provides support for generating a MicroProfile Maven project with examples based on the MicroProfile Starter project (https://start.microprofile.io/) in Visual Studio Code. You will be able to generate a project by choosing a MicroProfile version, server and specifications, such as CDI, Config, Health, Metrics, and more. The code for this extension is hosted under the MicroShed organization on GitHub.
Quick Start
- Install the extension
- Launch the VS Code command palette (View -> Command Palette...), then select
MicroProfile: Generate a new MicroProfile starter project
to run the extension
The extension prompts for the following parameters:
- groupId
- artifactId
- MicroProfile version
- MicroProfile server
- Java SE version
- Build tool
- MicroProfile specifications
- A folder to generate the project into
The extension will generate a .zip
file of the starter project, unzip the file into the specified directory and open it in a VS Code window.
Contributions to the MicroProfile starter extension are welcome!
Our CONTRIBUTING document contains details for submitting pull requests.
To build and run the extension locally:
Fork this repository
Clone your fork: git clone git@github.com:{your-username}/mp-starter-vscode-ext.git
cd mp-starter-vscode-ext
Create a branch for the issue you are going to work on: git checkout -b branch-name-for-your-issue
Install dependencies: npm install
Run the extension in VS Code by selecting Run Extension
from the debug panel or by pressing F5
Alternatively, build a .vsix
- Run
vsce package
to generate the mp-starter-vscode-ext-xxx.vsix
- Install the extension to VS Code by
View/Command Palette
- Select
Extensions: Install from VSIX...
and choose the generated mp-starter-vscode-ext-xxx.vsix
Run the generate project command by launching the VS Code command palette (View -> Command Palette...), then select MicroProfile: Generate a new MicroProfile starter project
to run the extension
Please report bugs, issues and feature requests by creating a GitHub issue