The Generator for MicroProfile Rest Client extension provides support for generating a MicroProfile REST Client interface template from an OpenAPI document in Visual Studio Code. This extension calls the openapi-generator to generate models and apis folders. The code for this extension is hosted under the MicroShed organization on GitHub. Learn more about MicroProfile Rest Client on GitHub.
Quick Start
Install the extension
Launch the VS Code command palette (View -> Command Palette...), then select MicroProfile: Generate a MicroProfile REST Client to run the extension
The extension prompts for the following parameters:
Path or url to an OpenAPI document
src directory of project to generate into
Package name
MicroProfile Rest client version
The extension will generate models and apis folders into the specified directory. The package name will be auto-filled based on the directory generated into.
Contributions to the Generator for MicroProfile Rest Client extension are welcome!
Our CONTRIBUTING document contains details for submitting pull requests.
Clone your fork: git clone{your-username}/mp-rest-client-generator-vscode-ext.git
cd mp-rest-client-generator-vscode-ext
Create a branch for the issue you are going to work on: git checkout -b branch-name-for-your-issue
Install dependencies: npm install and npx openapi-generator-cli version
Run the extension in VS Code by selecting Run Extension from the debug panel or by pressing F5
Alternatively, build a .vsix file:
Run vsce package to generate the mp-rest-client-generator-vscode-ext-xxx.vsix file
Install the extension to VS Code by View/Command Palette
Select Extensions: Install from VSIX... and choose the generated mp-rest-client-generator-vscode-ext-xxx.vsix file
Generate a REST client by right-clicking on a folder and selecting "Generate a MicroProfile REST Client", or via the command palette by selecting "MicroProfile: Generate a MicroProfile REST Client"
Please report bugs, issues and feature requests by creating a GitHub issue.
MicroProfile® and the MicroProfile logo are trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation.