EchoSnippets helps developers to utilized Go Echo framework faster by generating snippets.
!echouser >> generates basic user struct
!echohello >> generates ready-to-go "Hello World" Echo app
!echocrud >> generates basic CRUD functions, middlewares and routes
!echoauth >> generates basic auth function
!echotest >> generates basic test function setups
Installation and Usage
- Install and open Visual Studio Code.
- Press
Ctrl+Shift+X (on Linux and Windows) or Cmd+Shift+X (on macOS) to open the Extension panel.
- Find and install EchoSnippets extension. You can also find EchoSnippets at Marketplace
- Reload VS Code
- Open any
.go file in VS Code. EchoSnippets is now activated
Version 1.2.1
The following additional snippets were added:
- boilerplate function for basic authentication
- snippet for basic route testing function setups
Version 1.0.0
Initial release of EchoSnippets include 3 snippets:
- basic user model
- basic hello world app
- basic crud functions, middlewares and routes
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