template |
generated sample template |
c++/cpp |
powerof2 |
Check if a number if power of 2 or not |
c++/cpp |
bfs |
bfs traversal of graph |
c++/cpp |
dfs |
dfs traversal of graph |
c++/cpp |
detectCycleinUndirected |
Detect Cycle in Undirected graph |
c++/cpp |
detectCycleinDirected |
Detect Cycle in Directed graph |
c++/cpp |
kruskal |
kruskal minimum spanning tree |
c++/cpp |
prims |
prims minimum spanning tree |
c++/cpp |
dijkstra |
finding the shortest path |
c++/cpp |
bellmann ford |
bellmann ford algo to detect negative edge wt. cycle |
c++/cpp |
kosaraju |
find the number of stronglyconnected components |
c++/cpp |
tarjan |
to find the number of connected components |
c++/cpp |
articulation_point |
to find the vertex which after removal makes the graph disconnected |
c++/cpp |
bridge |
to find an edge which after removal makes the graph disconnected |
c++/cpp |
template |
template for linked list |
c++/cpp |
addAtEnd |
add at end of linked list |
c++/cpp |
addAtFront |
add at front of linked list |
c++/cpp |
addAtPos |
add at specific position of linked list |
c++/cpp |
deleteAtKey |
delete the linked list of given value |
c++/cpp |
deleteAtPos |
delete at specific position of linked list |
c++/cpp |
length |
length of linked list |
c++/cpp |
search |
search a particular element in a linked list |
c++/cpp |
print |
print linked List |
c++/cpp |
nthfromStart |
to print the Nth node from the start |
c++/cpp |
nthfromEnd |
to print the Nth node from the end |
c++/cpp |
bubbleSort |
Sort array using bubble sort |
c++/cpp |
selectionSort |
Sort array using selection sort |
c++/cpp |
insertionSort |
Sort array using Insertion sort |
c++/cpp |
mergeSort |
Sort array using Merge sort |
c++/cpp |
quickSort |
Sort array using Quick sort |
c++/cpp |
heapSort |
Sort array using Heap sort |
c++/cpp |
countSort |
Sort array using Count sort |
c++/cpp |
radixSort |
Sort array using Radix sort |
c++/cpp |
bucketSort |
Sort array using bucket sort |
c++/cpp |
inorderTraversal |
Inorder Traversal of tree |
c++/cpp |
preorderTraversal |
Preorder Traversal of tree |
c++/cpp |
postorderTraversal |
Postorder Traversal of tree |
c++/cpp |
levelorderTraversal |
levelorder Traversal of tree |
c++/cpp |
morrisTraversal |
morris Traversal of tree |
c++/cpp |
diagonalTraversal |
diagonal Traversal of tree |
c++/cpp |
verticalWidth |
Vertical Width of tree |
c++/cpp |
diameterOfTree |
Diameter Of Tree |
c++/cpp |
lowest common ancestor |
c++/cpp |
topView |
top view of binary tree |
c++/cpp |
rightView |
right view of binary tree |
c++/cpp |