Automatically generates styled comment sections from your selection.
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// =- E V E N T S -=
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Supports all languages and comment types.
You can install the latest version of the extension via the Visual Studio Marketplace here.
Alternatively, open Visual Studio code, press Ctrl+P
or Cmd+P
and type:
> ext install coolcommentsections
Source Code
The source code is available on GitHub lightSoulDev/vs-code-comment-sections.
"default": {
// Width of comment section
// Not encluding language comment chars
"blockLenght" : 50,
// Don't add upper and bottom diviers
// Examples:
// [false]: "// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "
// "// =- selection -= "
// "// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "
// [true]: "// =- selection -= "
"singleLine" : false,
// Main divider style
"divider" : "=-",
// Trim section size based on divider
// Examples:
// [false]: "// =-=-=-=- "
// [true]: "// =-=-=-= "
"adjustDivider" : true,
// Apply spacing and uppercase to selection
// Examples:
// [false]: "// =- selection -= "
// [true]: "// =- S E L E C T I O N -= "
"formatSelection" : true