If you are not a devops or full-stack, if you are no familiar with Terraform or if you are a simple javascript developer like me. Probably you didn't have a chance to work with a complex Terraform files structure.
In my current project, I had a chance to touch in some crazy TF files responsible to run some jobs and deploy the app through the AzureDevops and there I got a few issues with a wrong identation or trailiing spaces that I'm not able to catch in the development time once I have no correct setup or have no pre-commit hooks to run the terraform fmt for example.
Inspired by the eslint, that I use often as a Javascript developer I miss some Terraform linter that highlight trailing spaces to avoid some issues like below:
resource "null_resource" "name" {
triggers = {
name = var.some
# believe there is a space after
# the `some` word