Sublime VS 2017-2019
Visual Studio Extension that provides some capabilities similar to those in Sublime Text.
Note - The latest version available here: SublimeVS latest
The SublimeVS extension bundles and installs several other extensions that provide some of the features found in Sublime Text.
It also includes a keyboard shortcut mapping scheme, which, if applied, will import most of the common Sublime Text shortcuts.
Together with the imported features, and the applied shortcuts, users familiar with the Sublime Text editing experience might feel more at home using Visual Studio.
Bundled Extensions
Select Next Occurrence by Thomas Welén
Provides Multi-cursor editing features
Zen Coding by Mads Kristensen
Provides Emmet Snipets / HTML template coding
Easy Motion by Jared Parsons
Provides 3-key navigation anywhere in the viewable page
VSTricks by David Jackson
Provides CamelCase navigation/selection/deletion,
plus Copy/Paste features including Duplicate Line/Selection
Whack Whack Terminal by Daniel Griffen
Provides a hosted terminal emulator for executing fully interactive commands in a range of shells, including: PowerShell, Cmd, Git
VS Shortcuts Manager by Justin Clareburt
Provides menu items to easily backup and restore keyboard shortcuts
Main Features
Shows a colorful, compressed view of the current file in the scrollbar. Click anywhere on the bar to go directly to that point in the file.
Sets Map-Mode Scrollbar (Wide) available in Tools->Options;Text Editor->(Langauge)->Scroll Bars
Ctrl+P = Go To File
Find any file by filename or path. Search with CamelCase letters to find files by their significant parts.
Calls Edit.GoToFile, which opens the GoTo search box with file (path) filter applied ("f ").
Ctrl+Shift+P = Command Palette
Search for and activate any Visual Studio command by its command name.
Puts focus in Quick Launch. Type "@cmd " to activate the Command Palette.
Multi-Cursor Features
Ctrl+D = Select Word / Select Next Match
Add next match to selection with additional caret. Selects word at caret if no selection.
Uses MixEdit.SelectWord
Ctrl+Shift+L = Split Multi-line Selection
Splits a single selection that spans multiple lines into multiple selections - one per line - each with their own caret.
Uses MixEdit.SplitSelectionAcrossLines
Hold Alt and click anywhere in the file to add additional carets and perform editing in multiple places at once.
Uses Alt+Click command handler in Mix Edit.
Navigation Features
Alt+Key = Sub-word Navigation/Selection/Deletion
When holding the Alt key, caret stops at the next capital letter in CamelCase words.
- Navigate sub-words with Alt+Right/Left
- Select sub-words with Shift+Alt+Right/Left
- Delete sub-words with Alt+Backspace and Alt+Delete
Uses Sub-word navigation commands available in VSTricks (ie. Edit.SubWordNext, Edit.SubWordDeleteToStart)
Note: Use Ctrl+Right/Left to navigate a whole word at a time.
Sublime Keyboard Shortcuts
You can apply the Sublime keyboard shortcuts from "Tools->Apply Sublime Settings…".
Beware: Some mappings override popular Visual Studio shortcuts. (ie. F11 = Full screen takes over default mapping for Debug.StepInto)
Go to Tools->Options;Environment->Keyboard to update keybindings for overridden shortcuts.
See keyboard shortcut reference for a complete list of mapped shortcuts.
Go To File/Path ("f " filter)
Go To Symbol ("@" filter)
Multiple selection - Select next matching occurrence
Duplicate code
Navigate Backward
Navigate Forward
Close File
Delete Line
Split multi-line selection
Move lines Up/Down
Increase Line Indent
Decrease Line Indent
Full screen