Replace selected text or insert conversion as comments
Hex to decimal conversion
[x] Replace
[x] Comment
Hex to ASCII conversion
[x] Replace
[x] Comment
Hex to binary conversion
[x] Replace
[x] Comment
Decimal to hex conversion
[x] Replace
[ ] Comment
ASCII to hex conversion
[x] Replace
[ ] Comment
Binary to hex conversion
[x] Replace
[ ] Comment
Select the text you want to convert
Open command palette (Shift + Command + P (Mac) / Ctrl + Shift + P (Windows/Linux))
Search "convert" or "comment" and select conversion method
Extension Settings
This extension contributes the following settings:
hex-multi-converter.convertEscapeCharactersToText: (default true) Set to false to disable escape characters to text conversion (render newline instead of "\n" for example).
hex-multi-converter.convertControlCharactersToText: (default true) Set to false to disable control characters to text conversion (show the ESC symbol instead of "ESC" for example).
hex-multi-converter.extendedMatcher: (default false) Set to true to enable extended syntax for hexadecimal numbers. For example, when enabled 0x12345U and 0x12345u will be matched as hexadecimal numbers.