QBCore FX Snippets README
This extension has some useful snippets to use with vscode and qbcore, from simples function to complex solutions like polyzone creator, qb-menu, KeyMapping and more.
or by VSCode extension browser QB-Core FX Snippets
As above described, you can find some useful commands, like
--[[QBCore releated]]
GC or GetObject => to get the QBCore object.
CT => CreateThread.
tc or TriggerCallback => To trigger a callback.
Notify => Client or Server function.
KeyMapping => or km will create a RegisterKeyMapping with the commands and a link to the fivem Docs.
DrawNuiText, dw, Draw, Text, Dtext => Draw nui text.
ChangeNuiText, ct, ChangeText, Ctext => Change Text.
HideText, ht, Hide, Htext => Hide Nui Text.
KeyPressed, kp, Ktext => Emulate a Key Press Event.
MYSQL Functions.
QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded => OnPlayerLoaded or OPL, opl.
QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate => OnJobUpdate or OJU , oju.
Blip => will create a local function.
log => will create a print().
Debug => will use the QBCore.Debug() function.
Menu, CreateMenu => qb-menu trigger.
CreateCallback or CCallback => will trigger QBCore.Functions.
CreateCallback() Function.
AddRadial, CreateRadialOption => add radial Option.
--[[Fivem Appearance ones]]
getPedComponents, APGComp => getPedComponents(Player ID)
setPedTattoos, spt, APSTattoos => setPedTattoos(Ped,table)
setPlayerModel,spm,APSModel => setPlayerModel(model --[[string]])
setPlayerAppearance,spa,APSSet => setPlayerAppearance()
and a lot More...
EntityZone, PZone => Create an Entity Zone --[[https://github.com/mkafrin/PolyZone/wiki/EntityZone]]
CircleZone,CZ,CreateCircle,PolyCircle,CPoly => Create a Circle Zone
Boxzone,Box,PolyBox => Create a Box Zone
--[[ps-zones https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-zones]]
PSPoly, PSPzone => create a ps-polyzone (name must be unique!)
PSbox => create a ps-boxzone (name must be unique!)
PSCircle => create a ps-circlezone (name must be unique!)
PSEntity => create a ps-entityzone (name must be unique!)
PSDestroy => destroy a zone, need to pass the name of the zone
PShandler, PSEvent => handler of ps-zones
useitem,Iuse => UseItem event (Server)
hasitem,Ihas => HasItem (Client and Server)
GetUsableItem,IGusable => check if is a player can use X item (server)
AddItem,Iadd => Add item
RemoveItem,Iremove => remove item
GetItemByName,IGname=> get Item by name
GetItemsByName => get ITEMS by name
Release Notes
First Release
Initial release of QB-FX
Added qb-radialmenu options
Added MYSQL commands just put MYSQL and all the commands will appear with a comment to the Docs.
Added missing PolyZones snippets and some fivem-appearance ones.
Fixed qb-inventory exports and added Project Sloth snippets. ps-zones --[[https://github.com/Project-Sloth/ps-zones]]