DocMachineDocMachine is a Visual Studio Code extension that generates documentation on the fly when the user types /dm. It uses ANTLR-generated parsers to extract parameter names and return types from your code and create formatted function contracts. The user can customize the format of function contracts and file headers through VSCode settings. Supported Languages
Getting StartedStep 1) Install the DocMachine extension from the VSCode marketplace. Step 2) Open a document in a supported language. A message should appear in the bottom right of the window stating that a supported language is detected. Step 3) Place the cursor at the top of the document (to generate a file header) or above a function declaration (to generate a function contract). Step 4) Type /dm and press enter. Sit back and watch DocMachine generate documentation for you! Built With
ContributorsLicenseMIT (c) Jasper Geer |