Solarized Chandrian Color ThemeA mix of the chandrian theme from and the solarized colors IntelliJ IDEA theme code is based on 4lex4's Intellij Solarized themes for Intellij: Some of the colors are increased, so they have a contrast ratio of about 5:1, for readability, but also kept around 4.5:1 where necessary to keep the hue visible, making everything WCAG (AA) compliant, although a little higher contrast at times. Let me know if the colors need improving in the reviews or open a github issue here) with requests! There are three themes: black, dark blue, and tan version, with the color-hues preserved between them so the code doesn't change the feeling too much, as is part of the idea behind the solarized colors. Available for both IntelliJ products and VSCode: IntelliJ: VSCode: VSCode Screenshots:
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